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Brief introduction to individual and parter intensives

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Individual Intensive

A 3 to 4 day intensive individual work method developed by Martien Janssen, consisting of coaching, body-oriented psychotherapeutic and spiritual-psychological work. It is intended for people who need something other than conventional and long-term psychotherapy.


Partner Intensive

This unique form of work offers partners the opportunity to escape from their daily worries and stress. In a quiet environment, you can explore the roots of your relationship with complete concentration and dedication, and thus return to its foundations.

Two hands form heart

This uses an analogue of MDMA to facilitate deeper emotional processes and achieve greater insight and connection. This form is carefully guided in a safe and controlled environment. When someone does such an intensive for the first time, it lasts five days. The four-day variant is only available for the second or third participation. For more information, go here: [link to relevant information].

Partner Intensive

This form focuses on coaching and therapeutic work without the use of additional resources. An example of this is combining body-oriented therapy with conversations to gain insight into personal blockages, without external influences. The participant works entirely from their own strength and awareness. This intensive takes place from Monday evening to Friday afternoon, which ensures a balanced distribution of sessions and time for reflection.

Partner Intensive

Creamy Waves
Paper Craft

Partner Intensive

This uses an analogue of MDMA to facilitate deeper emotional processes and achieve greater insight and connection. This form is carefully guided in a safe and controlled environment. When someone does such an intensive for the first time, it lasts five days. The four-day variant is only available for the second or third participation. For more information, go here: [link to relevant information].

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